Laitkor, the premier software development company in USA, with expertise in multiple platform for Web development, Android and IOS mobile applications

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Ruby vs. Python: Which is better & more powerful for web development?

Both Ruby and Python are good, well-designed, modern, flexible and very good for productivity. Both of them can work for programming and web development, but it is difficult to award any of them better. So before answering such a question, one must suits it with personality/preferences and language strength. Better in preference and language, more suitable is that programming language.

Ruby vs. Python - Laitkor
Ruby vs. Python - Laitkor

Both of them are used in high level web development and are popular among web developers. They are famous for their rapid development cycle; Python boasting computation efficiencies and Ruby boasting code design benefits.

These are some of the factors to be noted:
•  Python generally believes the importance of readability, so it focuses on it as such there is one-true way of writing programming codes.

Ruby keeps no such limitations and free its operators to their choice. There are generally two different ways to achieve programming. The selection relatively depends on the personality and the command over the programming language.
So, on the basis of such an effect, Python is better than Ruby, since most of the user prefer readability over flexibility.
•    From the point of web development Ruby+rails+etc holds a slight edge over Python+Django+etc . For data manipulation, system administration, analytics and scientific programming, Python is better.
•    As related to jobs, there are more jobs available for Ruby development than that for Python development.
A large number of people is actively choosing Ruby over Python instead of the fact that Python is more popular than Ruby.
Any web application can define its usage depending on the number of users of that application/software. There are more projects in Ruby than Python. If the project is just a simple web app, one must go for Ruby. But if someone needs to process with lots of data, then Python is best suited for it.
We, at Laitkor are dedicated towards assisting you to select better and more powerful apps. For any assistance on app development, feel free to get in touch with our expert panel at help desk.

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Beginners Guide to select best suit project management methodology

Why to lay your most of the potency into tracking up the project planning when it is probable to get changed at some stage, let it be on Agile, which simplies the course of actions involved in the project by splitting up the actions into sprints and lets you follow the increment and iterative approach to accommodate the backlogs and embraces revisions required by the end users.

Kanban - Laitkor
Kanban - Laitkor

Agile embarks with the initial requirement rather peeping into far end products. Team entirely focuses on the iterative working models commonly used to be a matter of week or a month rather than peeping inside the far end results.

Several methodologies were introduced which implement Agile framework, two are most popular among them i.e. Scrum and Kanban. Now the question arises, which one is the best?
This can never be replied in yes or no, as both carry certain advantages and certain disadvantages at different stages. It’s imperative to analyze the kind of project and end user’s demand drastically. Let’s have a brief idea on both so as to ensure their compatibility with your requirement to some extent.

What is Kanban:

Kanban is a visual methodology to implement agile in a little different way with same motive as Scrum, it helps to make the process organized and improved gradually in term of quality and output. It basically copes with the Kanban boards having cards and columns where cards indicate the tasks and columns represents workflow steps, thence a clear picture becomes easy to procure, What to produce, when to produce, how much to produce. When there is no fear of any surprise changes which could impede the system workflow and you have a team of expert, do not scruple to go with Kanban.
According to the Kanban blog, “Kanban is a technique for managing a software development process in a highly efficient way. Kanban underpins Toyota’s ‘just-in-time’ (JIT) product system. Although producing software is a creative activity and therefore different to mass-producing cars, the underlying mechanism for managing the production line can still be applied.

What is Scrum?

Scrum is one of the most popular methodology used for implementing Agile. It is an incrementing and  iterative software development model used to manage complex software splitting them up into small sprints. Fixed-length iterations, called sprints lasting one to two weeks long, allow the team to ship software on a regular cadence.
Scrum emphasizes on face to face communication among the team on regular interval, it embraces any emerging changes at any course of development. At the end of every sprint feedback is taken and process is iterated if required. During each sprint, the team will use visual artifacts like task boards or burndown charts to show progress and receive incremental feedback.

When to use Kanban:

We recommend using Kanban if:
  • You need to add stories or change sprints on the fly
  • Iteration is not required.
  • Estimation isn’t essential.
  • There is ability to deliver any time.
  • Continuous improvement is already emphasized
  • Solution is under consideration and not very sure.
  • Continuity of the delivery is required.
  • System is not complex and easy to understand.

When to use Scrum?

We recommend using Scrum if:
  •  The project requirements may change at course of development.
  •  Continuous feedback is required
  •  You have to think about the complex problem as  you might not have done before.
  •  Release date is not committed as fixed.
  •  Project team wants independence to work.
  •  Modules are required to be delivered on regular basis.


Reasons to choose Python

The dynamic nature of the programming languages has often been a great challenge for the programmers , obviously programmers have to update themselves accordingly, which takes them out of comfort zone and again they have to do R&D to sustain with the technology. This used to be acceptable if it’s not the matter of turf to cloud, in other condition this is worth the same as learning other technology from scratch. Keeping all aspects in mind, we should start with the language which is flexible and easily adaptable at it’s height by filling the gap with a logical bridge.

Python App Development - Laitkor
Python App Development - Laitkor

The Documentation, libraries and more specifically “How to …” matters a lot to start with any programming language. This is why Python is considered to be more eco friendly in context to programming, since it comprises the full proof plan with “How to ?” guide section which helps a lot to motivate beginners, intermediate and makes experienced, an expert. The ultimate cozy structure brought by python embraces the talent at any level of their learning or expertise and makes them busy for their own Python App development onto best at the stage.

Python is a interpreting language and is moving aggressively to snatch the vogue of it’s rival PHP by endowing  shorter syntax to compose the codes, the scripting support and grand library structure. When it comes to handle Python by non-professional developers it would fill the gap easily to develop your application apart from windows via it’s rich library resources and wide array of open source material while it becomes constraint dealing with .Net for example in case of ethical Hacking. Let us have a glance over some prominent factors which urge to use python:

Simple to learn:

As discussed above Python is a boon for the beginners, probably it has been designed and structured keeping new comers in mind. Python App development has eliminated the bothersome variable declaration and curly braces by white space, which released difficulty of wandering around the frequent errors. Python even requires 3-5 times shorter codes than java and even lesser when compared to C++.

Your First step to climb the programming ladder:

Python can be the first step to have inception with the App development. Since in the current era employers prefer the full stack developers, so being an easy and object oriented language, pythons are worth a lot in this pursuit. Every programming language has it’s own culture and environment where they have their own protocols to be taken care of, so starting with the language which specifically does have syntax but is not that complicated, instead, is easy to understand might be fruitful to take you from turf to more advanced programming clouds.

Probability of Employment: 

Python has been embraced by many prominent companies. A big folk of IT engineers was struggling to be engaged with the organisation in 2014, nevertheless Python developers were the center of charms with additional 8.5% growth of their employment. Inflation did not affect Python programmers much. Many bubbling companies like Google, Yahoo, IBM, Nokia, Disney etc. are using Python. YouTube also migrated to Python recently. So, if  you are planning to work for companies like these you have better chance to start building your programming blocks with Python which can galvanize your career as you have anticipated.

It works Online too:

On account of being open source technology Python claims to be among top notch when it comes to economic perspective. Django, a python framework with substantial documents and large community takes a little time to be coded and also to go live. Django offers your plans to be deployed on web more rapidly since it requires less hours to be coded than others, thence decreasing the cost of the project.


Mobile App predictions 2017

                       The changing mobile apps trends have attracted and alerted the masses to be keep a keen eye over new advancements. There are various aspects which are required to be pondered upon 2017 from the innovation perspective.

Mobile Apps have become old story yet improvised every interval, however the rapid trend of device apps, wearables, VR, AI and cloud based mobile Apps are being considered more sensational. In the near future it is greatly expected that Mobile App Development may get merged into Device App development as the latter one would include the prior.

Here are some of the speculations for the Mobile Apps in 2017

GPS technology integrated with Beacon:

Beacon transmits a regular signal at every 1/10th of a second. Beacons are installed in enterprises, malls etc and are expected to transmit a signal of concern, whatever it may be. The signals transmitted or received are totally dependent on what they are programmed for. On the whole beacons are generally supposed to tell the exact location of programmed instance. Uber has made the best use of this location based technology.

Virtual reality and Artificial Intelligence:

Virtual or augmented reality have got their exclusive shelves in the smart contexts, Pokemon Go would endorse this statement to a greater extent. On the other hand Artificial intelligence is slow to surge but every time comes more attention seekers and is embraced with open hands. Algorithm are no more less complex than Artificial intelligence.

Cloud based Mobile Apps :

The moving trend is not just confined to smart mobiles any more, to be more smart in this era, smart mobile are required to be bridged with IoT, AI and wearables etc. and this is the stage where cloud based mobile apps are expected to play a vital role . Security is treated as major constraint and is promising with the use of cloud based Mobile Apps. This is very enticing for the developers to get engaged with the every trendy feature under a single roof.


Internet of things is all about connecting one device to another. IoT future is not very determined but is expected to show its significance in the future. Whatever connected in the technology world is through Internet Of Things. With the rapid introduction of smart devices and wearables, IoT has grown exponentially and in coming years it is expected that it would takeover and would require developers to extend their attention from smart phones to smart device development.

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Latest trends that Mobile App development needs to take care of

                  2.2 Million Apps on Google play store and around 2 million iTunes Apps are flaunting over the mobile devices and has surpassed the revenue in more ways than the web apps have. According to the Gartner prediction 278 billions downloads have lead to $77 billion worth revenue. There is no reason to put impedance amid of the moving trends of Mobile Apps, as they have made good pacts with AI, connected homes, wearables, IoT, smart cars  etc. In 2017 mobile development is no more confined to the mobile screens rather it has surged it’s level and peeping inside every possible opportunity and this is what has made it floating over the cloud of innovations.
Lot new to happen in upcoming years, where mobile developers would need to expand their level of conceptions as the testing would not only happen on the mobile devices but also on other platforms. Here are some trends of mobile development:

Location based services are interesting and can be treated as bounty for retail offers, security features, indoor mapping, tourism, navigation etc. Since, it has picked up the very broad spectrum of services, it will be hard to put a limit to the expansion of it’s current and upcoming features.
LBS is more specifically abreast with mobile app development as both mobile and location comes from same lineage. Beacon, the sibling of the same descendant growing up faster and being made for good use to spot various location based token services, it has taken the mindset of App developers to a new innovation level.

Augmented Reality (AR):
The thing which is still being researched and developed in this era can be considered as a blasting revolution with no certainty of time and landscape, Augmented Reality (AR) can be reckoned as one of them. Taking the input/gesture/voices on diminished level and presenting them in the form a complete picture / Output is the magic of Augmented reality. GPS, voice recognition, gesture recognition etc are something which can be capitalized in more ways in the near future. Things will turn of more interest as it merges with wearable technology, which will make it more effective and productive than ever before.

Instant Access:
Imagine if you could run an App without downloading and installing on your phone!
Google promised to launch this instant feature and probably 2017 could be the year to make it happen. With the launch of this surprise by Google, there will be no waiting for the App to be downloaded, no data wastage, no loss of memory and it would also let the users get rid of unwanted App shortcuts on their screens, though instant App access may lack some features but would enhance the quick insight of the App.

App Security:
As for now mobile users were more than assured of the security associated with the App they download into their mobile. the cloud computing swiftly capturing a good portion on the the pie chart , eventually facilitating  data movement over the inter servers and devices , they could be sensitive and  sheer quantity of data that sometimes treat as access to the other account and contacts are vulnerable to various security threats. People are not aware of these security concerns to the extent they should.This would be a challenge for the Mobile App developers to ensure the security level through APIs or in App itself.Apple does not have trust on objective C anymore and launched Swift as it’s own development language which is more promising in this aspect.Developers are willing to adopt this as their new programming language since it got a profound ability to impart better user experience and new features , this is surely going to be a game changer.

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.net Application Development .Net Developers .net Development Ajax Framework Android App Development Android App Development Company Android Application Development Android Apps AngularJS Development App Developers App Development Applcation Developers Apple Watch App Development Application Development Application Developers Application Development Azure Azure App Services Azure Application Development Azure Application Development Services Azure Backup and Recovery Services Azure Backup Services Azure Development Azure Development Services Azure Recovery Services CMS Course Of Development CRM Development Companies Golang Golang Development HTML5 iOS App Developers iOS App Development iOS App Development Company iOS Application iOS apps iOS developers Java development company Joomla Kanban Laitkor Laitkor Info Solutions Laravel Development Company Laravel Framework Microsoft azure application development services. Laitkor Microsoft Azure Development Mobile App Developers Mobile App Development Mobile App Development Company Mobile App Platforms Mobile App Services Mobile Apps Mobile Development MVC Framework Native App Development Node Node.js Node.js Application Development Node.js Developers Node.js development Node.js Development Company PHP PHP Application Development Services PHP Developers PHP Development PHP Development Company PHP Development Services PHP Frameworks PHP Web App Development PHP Web Development Project Management Methodology Python Python Application Development Python Application Development Services Python Applications Python Developers Python Development Python Development Services Python Framework Python Technology Python Web Application Development ROR Development Company RoR Development Services Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails developer Ruby on Rails Development Services Scrum Software Development Company UI Designer UX Designer Web App Development Web Application Development Web Design and Development Company Web Development Web Development Company Windows azure application development wordpress Wordpress Development Wordpress Website Development

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