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Will ASP.Net MVC development model overtake webforms development model? Development Development
Newer development models overtaking the old traditional ones that haven’t been much appreciated due to lack of upgrades is not an alien concept in the programming world. Developers are often down to apprehensions on whether the programming language they are currently investing their efforts in to learn and utilize might one fine day die when a new one hits market. Webforms was already under the threat of being ruled out when Microsoft decided to turn the ball back into its court by bringing in MVC and investing all its efforts in making it competent and efficient for developers. Some saw a new beginning for development when MVC proved its efficacy at being preferred by many. Now those that have been using Webforms are under pressure of their model becoming outdated.

Changes and that too advanced and better ones are always needed and that’s what MVC brought along. Clean mark-ups, better control, and easy hand written codes in place of server generated ones which do not well understand the needs of client side technologies are some of the advantages of MVC over Webforms. New age Java script frameworks is an added advantage of course. When one can avail better equipped packages that would be easier and more efficient for ones application, there is no genuine reason to prefer the older one with lacking features. This could be one reason of the many that contributes to the overtaking of the new model over the older one.

MVC offers higher testability and less obfuscation of inner working which is mostly preferred by engineers worldwide. As some fellow developers would agree that Webform is nothing but a hack design intended to lore WinForm developers to web. However, given that one could always flip and convert Webforms sites to use MVC framework hence utilizing its benefits along with keeping up the efforts of the traditional ones, it is more likely that Webforms will not be dead anytime sooner.

With MVC, developers and designers can always work together without messing into each other’s code. You get more options to work with raw HTML and the codes look cleaner compared to auto generated ones with Webforms. However, there are some still who prefer the work to be done quickly and with lesser efforts with automated codes. They would prefer Webform any day over MVC which requires good understanding of the concepts related into the procedures but they are easily done with examples and support whenever required.

Those preferring MVC can always use Webform controls by selecting ASPX engine on the same project. Webforms will continue being used and as MVC has always clarified from time to time, it is never intended to replace Webforms. Glancing at the larger picture of, we do know that each of the models have its own advantages which cannot be replaced or copied. Some are still and will continue to be scared of trying the new models and they will prefer Webforms as long as they are clear on their requisites being met.

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