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Which ORM framework is best for .Net?

.Net Developers
.Net Developers
There are a number of ORM framework which is best suited for .Net. A number of software development Companies are dealing with .Net Application Development. It depends on the developer’s way to select one which best suites his purpose.

Here are few of them:

1. Entity Framework
This is one of the best ORM for the .Net platform. It is built by Microsoft and has a vast number of features and great integration of new ones into the CLR languages with full support for Linq and even multiple database adapters. The OData capabilities of utilizing a Entity model so as to interest you and helpful to consume data in any other application without any requirement of coding system.

2. NHibernate
It has been around the longest, has the most users, and supports the most mapping scenarios. NHibernate with FluentNHibernate may also serve the best for the purpose because they are the most mature in the space. For mapping purpose, it can be done by a developer friendly Fluent API with Fluent NHibernate. EF4+ code first CTP 5 is slowly getting there, but they are not there yet.

3. BLToolKit
For a lightweight ORM, this can serve the best purpose. It is incredibly fast and since lightweight it gives better flexibility to for how you design your domain layer. Also they have great T4 templates for generating class files. is the best solution to all your software and developmental queries. For any support related to ORM framework and .Net, get the best assistance at The support team would be happy to assist you a better solution.

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