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Switching a 10 year old web app’s codebase?

Web App Development
Web App Development
Are you planning to switch a 10 year old web application’s code base from ColdFusion to a more known and popular PHP, Python or Ruby language? Explore the benefits and downsides before making a leap.

If you have a working app for past 10-15 years say for example a hosted site builder application that is continuously serving hundreds of paying customer every month…then switching your app’s code base to a more recent one may be a costly and risky affair.

Lets find out why???

Rewriting a working application for no evident functional benefit mostly turns out to be both costly and risky. The whole development cost may pile upon to something you might not have imagined and that too up front. Do not forget that after the initial software rewriting you are also bound to pay for the ongoing operations and its due maintenance. In a way rewriting an app is just like developing it altogether for a second time with double the cost that is definitely not going to pay itself.

So, if your app is successful in the market and your team is managing it well and ColdFusion is also supporting all app features, then there is truly no need to rewrite the app.

You might think…

Your app will become outdated as the crowd is trending towards newer technologies. Remind yourself that your customers don’t actually care about the technology your application is built in, they are only concerned that the application should keep running.
If your application code has become disorganized, then consider refactoring the code. This can be done without any interruption to the app working.
Lets take an analogy…

If you build a snack factory, it costs a lot upfront along with its machinery and just a little for the ongoing maintenance. But one day you notice that other factories which are being built are using new architecture techniques. So should you rebuild your existing factory in order to take advantage of the new  technologies being introduced and then again put the same machinery for the manufacturing work? Or should you consider developing a new factory from scratch leaving the old factory to make revenue for you as it stands and using its profit in your new venture for a different target customer base

Here are some rock solid reasons for switching your code base…

You need a functionality for your app which is not supported by your current technology or may be it does but is very expensive or inefficient than offered by other technologies.
You take support from a vendor and he is discontinuing support. (Just FYI…ColdFusion is owned by Adobe and they still provide good support services)
Your old technology development team is moving and its getting tough to find a replacement for them. Analyse if it is more affordable to hire a developer and train him in the old technology or to rewrite the application.

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