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Why to opt Node.js for your web applications?

Web App Development
Web App Development
There should be valid reason to be accepted which can easily persuade users or development teams to Node.js web application development. The very strong and effective features of Node.js is the non-blocking I/O operations, if conditional “real-time” experience is necessary.

As it facilitates the allowance to handle a large number of long lived connections to the servers. Certain frameworks like Async.js and coffee Script are available to make your N.doe.js code more precise and brief if it is concerned with too many words.

Still you should not under-value the ability to share JavaScript code between the client and server. It is found more helpful in real time savings when you are developing the web application development which could be able to build up a set of modules that can be easily applied on both. At the same time it could lead to much greater specialization user experiences because here there is no existence of cost of having to port functionally in order to achieve some desirable behavior.

The very basic element that needs to be known is that “what is his core functionally?” and then after knowing it, substitute it in a JavaScript module that can be used on the client and server. Node.js is preferable as it is simpler to produce a web interface that can deliver an experience that is much more interactive with the development teams.

2.    Another point to be given due care is its package manager- npm. It represent the standard way to share code with the community and to co-ordinate external dependencies. It is not too old as it’s launched since two years ago and the number of module present in it has almost overcome the number of module published on RoR gems.

Here are some of the points listed articulately which would help you to express the viewpoint more clearly:
1.    The very basic function of Node.js which seems it to be useful for web applications is that it is fast and easy to prototype with concern to any kind of web application in a short run, compared to others simultaneously. For example, consider the behavior of JAVA and LAMP. Node.js provides the web server module itself, in order to enable you utilizing your own wit about setting up Apache or NGINX unless you want to integrate in the existing platform.

3.    Next point to be considered is that there are number of Platform available as a service solution like joyent cloud, heroku, nodejitsu which justify Node.js as first class technology and enable it to deploy and scale of your application trivial.

4.    There are complementary technologies available in Node.js, which are mongoDB and Redis, and they are very well integrated with Node.js. Normally a project dealt in with Node.js comes hand in hand with a NoSQL solution. Node.js will be definitely a good option if you are doing a project without a relational database.

5.    Another advantage would be presence of JavaScript and Coffee Script in it. As it is widely accepted fact that JavaScript is the language of the browser which made necessary for all web developers to deal with it.

6.    It consists of well-built architecture which enables you to overcome its performance and scalability problems, which is due to its non-blocking interaction. Its architecture is similar to NGINX, which leverages directly the Operating System event’s system calls to open up the development of all those normal real-time application which couldn’t be developed easily using other languages.

7.    Here you can avoid extra costs due to its high performance. This could be the biggest advantage to consider Node.js suitable for web applications. Though there is no need to construct HTTP or TCP requests to another server side language, working with the complex architecture, you can also manage to save in system administration time. Thus, avoiding Apache or NGINX setup and maintenance costs.

To conclude Node.js is suitable for web application development and let Laitkor be your development partner and torch bearer

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