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Switching costs from PHP to Python revealed!

Python Web Application Development
Python Web Application Development
The cost of switching fluctuates from the nature of the framework selected. These variations may be caused due to certain differences in the functioning of various Python Frameworks.

PHP is extensively used at various big projects and sometimes even most engineers on them do not enjoy using PHP language. At a certain point of view, it becomes necessary to switch from PHP to Python.

The part of discussion is that of the cost which are incurred at the time of switching from PHP to Python. Still PHP has lot of momentum to the point that one would have to reinvent a lot of wheels to dump PHP. Ultimately the language is just a tool to get things done.

The problem to be solved is far more relevant than that of language. Rather you should focus more how to write code such that for the most we avoid some of the more poorly thought out features of the language. These all depend on the investment structure in your PHP codebase. It also depends on the nature of your actions.

On the other hand Python is a wonderful language for what you want to do either. The cost of switching or non-switching depends on the various aspects. If you are using PHP framework for the purpose of web presentation layer, if it is being used for the process of generating feeds, or running daemons or anything more complex than simplest HTML generations, you must switch towards Python.

Another aspect of dependency lies on various elements such as the number of servers you are running through PHP, number of programmers you have on your group that are able to describe clearly with Python and PHP, the performance requirements, the PHP framework used, availability of system administrators who are capable of dealing with it. It also depends on the features of PHP that you are using.

There are number of reasons to prefer Python web application development  as a best language medium. For developing a simple script, PHP is good but for the bigger projects, Python’s MVC frameworks are highly recommended, such as Django or TurboGears2. The matter seriously depends on the three major elements followed by ‘what you like to code in’, ‘what scales better for what you need’, and ‘what gets the job done most effectively and efficiently’. Thus the cost to be incurred depends on various happening or non-happening of the event.

1.    The primary cost is related to competency. You may have experienced while working with your team that the only pre-condition to any platform decision has been your achievements on it. In any of the 24*7 online operations where downtimes are usually avoided like the plague, the useful factor of any language would annoy you if you failed to explain why a particular service has been done for a while and you don’t have any idea to move with.

2.    Another cost which may incur is refactoring or re-architecting costs. There is a difference on the basis of approach. The Python approach to do web apps is totally different from the PHP approach of web apps. The way to port the capabilities of those existing well-tuned app to another language or framework is always dicey situations.

Apart from these two situations, there may arise certain cases where it would become necessary to incur some additional costs. Thus, the cost structure generally depends on several aspects among which some are discussed above. For more efficient and well developed service, you may always rely on Laitkor where you can easily get quality service at an affordable rate.

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