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Which is more marketable today: Node.js development service or ROR/Meteor.js?

Survey shows that Ruby on Rails and Node.js are very much prevalent with their corresponding recompenses. But, Node.js is leading the face for number of modules in a moderately short time compared to RoR. Primarily, Node.js is an application runtime environment that allows you to write server-side applications. Node.js has a different style of programming and this helps in make Node more marketable

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Node.js Development Company laitkor

Node.js development present marketable scenario

1.  In the product or service provider context, it totally depends on the customer what they are using. In the employee context, there are about 2-3 times more works in RoR than Node. Node is certainly coming up in the world, but RoR is still favored by most due to its mellowness.
2.  Once you get to know JavaScript for the front end, you might as well learn the essentials of Express and Node to become creative in the back end without distressing about learning a new programming language with a dissimilar syntax and object oriented style. ExpressJS and Node will have the benefit of compelling you to learn some of the particulars about JS that a lot of novice-mid front –end developers never fully wrap their heads around.
3.  You will do quite well knowing RoR or ExpressJS also. Of course there are other frameworks out there for Erlang, Scala, Clojure, Go, Haskell, etc. but when we are talking about marketability, it implies popularity + usability, so the only real contender here is really going to be Java in terms of frameworks than can support the kind of concurrency Node.js development tries to accomplish without sacrificing the use of a popular, battle-tested industry language.
4.  Node.js is more marketable than Ruby on Rails and Meteor.js. Marketable generally means two things: more employers are hiring for it and it pays better. Node.js edges out Ruby on Rails both of these criteria.
5.   The demand for Node devs is at all time high and Meteor doesn’t have the same name recognition and general practice up till now. So it comes down to more just Node is used because people know Node.js development, so more people learn Node, and it is just like a cycle. You can learn Node and Express with a MEAN stack, so there are added projects you can tie them into distinctly as contrasting to Meteor’s unified front.
6.   You can use HTML, CSS and JavaScript whenever you want to build web applications with any browser and use Node.js development as a back-end with npm as a package manager. You can even build desktop applications with Electron and use Node.js as a back-end with npm as a package manager. You can even use these to build desktop applications with React Native and use Node.js as a back-end with npm as a package manager.
7.   Programming has never been as easy to get into as it is now, and the accessibility of JavaScript and utility of Node.js development has definitely helped on that front. Node.js is an application runtime environment that allows you to write server-side applications in JavaScript whereas ROR is a framework itself for programming.
Considering the speed of the development, Node.js development mechanism is that it makes you string organized different components, comfort the procedure and suppleness of building entire application. This makes Node.js more marketable.
Node.js is “lightweight and effective, faultless for data-intensive real-time applications that run through distributed devices.” It is steady enough and is being deployed in more and more complex applications and systems. It is easy to get started with Node.js and when you are building next gen web application, especially APIs for mobile and web integration, Node.js is a run-time environment that suits you best.


  1. Thanks You So Much For Sharing. This is the best way to explain the importance of the Node.js . Many people asks about why node.js is so popular in web application development
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  2. Excellent tips. Really useful stuff .Never had an idea about this, will look for more of such informative posts from your side... Good job...Keep it up
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