Laitkor, the premier software development company in USA, with expertise in multiple platform for Web development, Android and IOS mobile applications

Top mistakes developers should avoid when creating their own software products

Many developers attempt to generate their products based on the software that they develop but some miss the mark, often due to the similar blunders that others have previously committed. If those developers had known about the common blunders, they would have avoided committing them.

Top mistakes developers should avoid - Laitkor
Top Mistakes developers should avoid

The top 4 mistakes

1.    Undervaluing Management Competency

Generally developers undervalued the struggle of managing a team and undervalued the assistance of general management, process and tactic. This failure condensed from the very top down and affected every level of the company.
2.    Lack of Strategic Focus
The developers may have used the limited resources as a startup to attack markets they don’t understand instead of focusing on the core competencies, which were equitably unique in the present market. And they did it repeatedly.

3.    Inconsistent Hiring Bar
There can be some uneven hiring over the course of serious business. While they try to do their best to maintain an exceptionally high bar, it has been consciously lowered during dry spells of hiring. This has always been a mistake.
4.    No Product Management support
For a while, the developers had a goal of hiring no directors, ever- with the intension that they would end up hiring product attentive engineers. This is an immense mistake.

Other Mistakes

1. Many developers have considered creating a business of vending software products that they develop. However, some are frightened of fading. That fear comes mostly by not having enough experience. So they are not certain of their capabilities to deal with new situations. If you do not have enough experience you may commit a mistake.
2. Fortunately, there seems to be a pattern and the top mistakes that many entrepreneurs commit are often the same that others committed in the past.
3. Once you get emotionally attached to an idea, you lose objectivity. After that, you are in a fizz of your own looking at the world through colored glasses. You might even think others are “not getting it” as it is clear to you that you are right.
4. You ask for feedback and choose whatever supports your idea and ignore whatever won’t support your idea. With this kind of filtering, rather than revisiting your adventure, you keep growing stronger in your belief.
5. Sometimes you may not even jot down your assumptions because they are not expectations for you- they are evidences. Even when you ascertain the expectations as “assumptions” you don’t take the time to revisit them occasionally. This is a technique for disaster as there are many assumptions that become questionable with changes in demographics, technology and politics.
6.  You are probably very efficacious in your job before you soared into the innovative world. You might expediently forget that lot of your current influence is positional and it will walk out of the door moment you are out of that position. Some of your network will evaporate into thin air once you are out of that commanding leadership position in your current company
While Fuel PHP is a simple, flexible community driven framework, Laravel is for Web Artisans. For those looking for a change from the traditional, Laravel provides excellent platform for trial with lesser risks that usually come with newer frameworks.
Some entrepreneurs make the blunder of giving away equity too freely in the game. Other entrepreneurs are too tight – fisted with equity. Equity can be used not just to appeal economic depositors, but also service providers, advisors, employees etc.
Moreover, handling out relatively trivial amounts of equity in a judicious and sophisticated manner can help validate an external valuation for your company, preferably one that is swelling over time, a process you can call “climbing the valuation ladder”.
If you have any questions concerning your internal software product launch, Laitkor as Software consultancy company can help you out well.

While Laravel is the new award grabber for many, some would still prefer Fuel PHP, either because they have years of experience with this framework and find an ease working with them or they are afraid to take risks of trying something outside of their expertise zone. I would suggest that they should try Laravel without any worries of facing headship learning something that is alien to them. It would be long when they would stick to Laravel only to never stop using it ever, especially in production environment.

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