Laitkor, the premier software development company in USA, with expertise in multiple platform for Web development, Android and IOS mobile applications

Why would anyone pay to use Microsoft Azure if it’d be possible to run ASP.NET 5 natively on Linux servers for free?

Azure Development Services - Laitkor
Azure Development Services - Laitkor
Tool like Azure is making it easy to deploy an app and as a developer all you need is to run your app successfully. So, the reason you use Azure web apps or similar services (Heroku, etc) is to avoid dealing with servers at all. Azure provides a number of effective features for Azure development, so there is no loss to pay a few dollars.

Why pay for Azure?

1.    It appears as comparing oranges to apples. You must remember that you pay to Azure for the platform by having cloud servers with its abilities to scale as needed. This is done without having to maintain the servers as well as security, backup and various other features and tools. You can run Linux or .Net on it.

2.    ASP.Net and Linux are totally different from one another and cannot be compared at an ease. Always remember, Linux is a platform whereas Azure is what Microsoft provides as Platform as a Service (PaaS). There is option to get Linux VM in Azure. Only having Linux is not all sufficient but you should also have the machine, the power and internet connection to host an application. Azure is the complete package. You can compare Azure and AWS but not Azure and Linux.

3.    Microsoft Azure has Linux boxes. And for servers you always have to pay regardless of platform. Azure is far the easiest provider you have ever used. From a usability perspective, it is mostly used over AWS, discount hosts etc. Things that can be pain in advanced setups are drop-dead simple in Azure.

4.    Automated scaling, queues, distributed session management and storage are all integral part. You can have it all features by pointing and clicking or by implementing an elegant API. You can also get the same features on AWS, but everything is just a little easier in Azure, and Azure feels less “cobbled together” than AWS.

5.    Generally, Discount hosts are less expensive, but a lot of them may be less capable as well. Azure is cost saving & reasonably priced. It tends to cost about as much as an equivalent setup on AWS. Auto-scaling will be easy and automatic that will usually save you a few dollars as well. Cost really depends on the service you use, how much you use them, and if you have optimized for the platform.

App development and deployment in Azure is very easy. Azure has Linux boxes and is one of the easiest providers that can be used. Some of the important features include4 automated hosting, storage and distributed session management. If it fulfills all your requirements along with maintaining Quality, it is no harm to spend a few dollars on it.

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