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What is the difference between UI and UX designer?

Web design and development company
Web design and development company
There could be a number of differences between UI and UX design due to the fact that both of them have that different cross-disciplinary character that makes it hard to have a single solid definition. Generally, we create descriptive terms for disciplines UI design is a component of UX design. In other words, the user Interface is just one part of user experience. There are a number of other components that plays into the experience and therefore UX design is more a holistic view of a product’s experience from customer’s perspective.

Here is the difference between UI designer and UX designer

UI (User Interface) designer

Traditionally that means the actual buttons, texts, and pixels that appear on the screen. So, the UI designer would be responsible for everything about how a website or application appears in the interface.
User Interface is how things look. You may think of it as the advertisement of a product that will make you buy a product.
It is the actual design of an Interface that would facilitate for seamless, great, pleasurable and rewarding interaction between the user and your product.
It involves observing user behavior and making informed decisions based on data collected during is a large part of the UI design work. UI design appears more like a craft since you can actually build something beautiful and tangible using skills, knowledge and techniques acquired during experience.

UI (User Experience) designer

This is much broader and higher-level discipline than UI, because it include not just the interface, but also all the systems and interactions that support it.
User Experience is how things work. They are a real reason why you get addicted to a product.
It starts with a solid understanding of user base. You can sort out your Information architecture through generating a data inventory and organize a solid information hierarchy which would help a ton once the prototyping process begin. You can choose the best prototyping method that would be both cost efficient and would allow you to gather feedback and reiterate in a fast and easy pattern.
Prototype can be Horizontal, Vertical, T-Prototype and local prototype. After choosing an appropriate prototype the iteration process begins. This generally varies between working on software products, services or industrial design projects.

We, at Laitkor, a web design and development company, are dedicated towards assisting you with your UI and UX design.

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