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Why is Python so popular despite being so slow?

Python Application development
Python Application development
Python Application development service is so popular and used by a number of clients for their software programming and development. For developing any software, there are two basic performance criteria, one is the performance of code and other is the performance of people developing the code. Python may be much slower than other languages like C/ C++ but it has a number of libraries and its simplicity give the developer more productive way to delivery software in much shorter time.

Popularity of Python

1.  Your assumption that “any complex enough projects will require certain performance quality” is false. There are plenty of settings available where the speed of Python is more than required for the job.

2.  For most of the tasks like website etc, network latency and IO cost much more than the evaluation of the code. That is why a number of websites now-a-days uses Python, Ruby on Rails etc as the programing language. It is because, they give the developer better performance at developing the product, more maintainable code and short writing.

3.  Python has more libraries which make the writing program much simpler; like Numpy for matrix operation, BeautifulSoup for web content extract and NLTK for natural language processing. Among all the tasks, there may be descent Python libraries to do the job.

4. Python provides real time object tracking applications of multiple object. It makes prototyping and experimenting extremely easy.

5. It is slow when compared to C/ C++ but it does great job when compared to other languages from similar category (Ruby, Javascript and alike). Since, it is a high level programming language, the coders don’t have to focus on low level implementation details and pre-mature optimization.

6.  Large scale web/ multi-server applications can combine Python with other services written in faster languages. It has an excellent batteries included with great 3rd party support, huge community and Introspection is awesome.

We, at Laitkor are dedicated towards assisting you with the popularity of Python despite being slow. For any assistance on Python Application Development services, feel free to get in touch with our expert panel at helpdesk.

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