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Where Ruby on Rails is used?

Ruby On Rails
Ruby On Rails
Ruby on Rails is a framework for building web applications. It provides you with tools to speed up your development process (such as generating files and folders for you), facilitate common tasks (such as setting up and communicating with a database), installing gems (self-contained solutions to specific problems, written in ruby) and much more.  The Ruby on Rails (RoR) development services provides a number of Ruby applications for various purposes.

Applications of Ruby on Rails

1.  Ruby is one of the programming languages. As for your “can I replace html?” question, there are many languages out there that compiles to or extend html, saving you keystrokes or allowing you to include dynamic content. One example, easily installed with rails, is Html. On a side note, there are languages that extend CSS as well, such as Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SaaS).

2.  HTML and CSS are front end languages understood by the web browser. When you open up chrome and point it to a website, the server powering that website ships out some HTML and CSS which the browser can then render as a web page.

3.   Software which runs on your server and which will generate HTML for you depending on the request, or the user, or the time of day, or any one of countless other criteria. Rails is a framework with HTML and CSS. What form this HTML and CSS takes is up to your creativity, as a designer and coder.

4.   Basically, it is a tool for the Ruby Language that makes the web development process easier. You can even achieve the same result as Ruby in less time.

5.   If you want to develop a website you need to learn a language, and Rails/Ruby is a good place to start as any.

6.   ROR is most popular among new tech startups. One of the main reason for this is speed of iteration. Startups can test and validate their idea much quicker with Rails than other development frameworks.

Larger companies use it too though. Even Amazon has a few rails projects internally. Twitter and GitHub still rely heavily on Rails, despite their size and popularity. A common approach with systems architecture now is to have a collection of micro-apps, rather than one large app.

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